Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Vote for Lower Birdseed Prices

Thank goodness for mid-term elections. I lost over a pound this summer from slim pickin’s. Everyone was putting all their money in the gas tank and leaving the bird feeder empty. Election pitches start hitting the airwaves and all of a sudden the gas price drops a buck and the feeder is full of sunflower seed again. I am really going to pig out this fall. Biologists think my hyper activity is caused from the onset of winter weather. WRONG! It has more to do with Social, Political and Economic change.
Humans are so stupid. I discovered this at a very young age when it was apparent to me that they couldn’t keep a little furball out of a bird feeder. It is so funny. They think gas prices are controlled by supply and demand. They don’t realize that as soon as the election is over the price of gas is going through the roof. It is pretty obvious to me. I’m gettin while the gettin’s good. While they are feeling generous with the seed I’m demanding supply. I’m filling my belly then my knothole.
I’m not going through fall with my rose-colored glasses on just to find them frosted over in late November when the feeder goes dry again.
I would fill my neighbor’s attic with seed again this year but it’s going to be cold in there. He won’t be able to heat the joint even when oil goes back to 80 bucks a barrel.
Personally, I’m voting for lower black-oil sunflower seed prices. I'm also looking at a lot of single cruises. I could spend the winter on a warm sunny cruise and I hear all you do is eat. No wonder they call them "Love Boats."

Hairy Houdini is a nationally syndicated columnist. His views are his alone and not necessarily those of The Dick E. Bird News. Except when he says nice stuff about us! --H. Houdini

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